Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Family Feud and Fake News

I recently saw this old clip from Family Feud that got me thinking about the current state of reporting. It is probably a weird connection to make, but when has that ever stopped me.
First, the clip. 

The lesson I took from this is that if you ask 102 people a really simple question, you run the risk of getting a couple of really stupid answers.

On the same day I saw this I also read an article about candy ducks being pulled from the market due to outrage over them being racist. Had I stopped at the headline, or even the first paragraph, I might have walked away thinking that there had been actual outcry over the term "ugly duckling" being applied to a duck shaped piece of milk chocolate. That wasn't the case. One person wrote something on twitter about it. That one person didn't even seem all that worked up about it. They might have even just been joking. It is hard to tell.
Next, I read an article about another outrage. After reading the entire thing, I got to the last paragraph and found out that a grand total of 2 unnamed people were the ones complaining.
Do you see the connection now? We have stopped reporting on what most people think, and started looking for the one guy who would say alligator. Before long, you start to think that the world is filled with the alligator and frog people and you must be the last rational person who knows that the answer should be dog or cat.

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