Tuesday, March 08, 2022

How Star Wars changed what I pray

I recently went through all of the Star Wars movies again, and had something new (to me) strike me. Rey was trying to connect with past Jedi. She would sit and meditate and repeat, "Be with me. Be with me. Be with me." Each time, she was left feeling empty and alone. Rey's problem wasn't that the Jedi weren't with her. The problem was that Rey had not yet committed to being with the Jedi. The difference between the two really spoke to me. 
When the kids were little, and I had to go to the grocery store, I would give Nikki the job of keeping one hand on the cart to prevent her from straying while I tried to figure out where Walmart had moved the Pop Tarts to this week. She was with me. If she wasn't with me, she panicked, I panicked, and nothing was okay until she was with me again. 
In the grocery store of life, have you wandered off to look at the toys while God is busy planning your meals for the week in the produce section? And if so, does God need to be with you, or do you need to stop, turn around, and go back to being with God? When we go through a season of not feeling the presence of God, we tend to panic. Without fail, people get stupid when they panic. We pray on repeat to be able to feel God with us, when in reality, we should probably be asking God to draw us back to Him. 
This is the moment. Your name is being called over the store's PA system. Please return to the front of the store and be with God. 

My son wisely pointed out, as I was reading this through to him, that wandering around the toy section without your mom is how you get kidnapped. There is a lesson in that too. The last thing any of us want is for God to have to call a Code Adam on us. (Too obscure? Do people still know what that means? Have I lost you? It is a kidnapping thing) 

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